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Social media gives Telemarketing a new lease of life

Emma Wainman-Sale | 11 February 2016

 phone_and_social_media.pngThe four golden rules of Social Media

It’s safe to say that as marketing is constantly evolving, social media is considered as a major part of the B2B marketing mix. This being said, it is surprising to see how many companies don’t use it to its full potential. Is social media just ‘the latest craze’ that should be embraced until the fad passes, or is it another complicated tool which only a genius can use to generate ROI? The fact of the matter is, there are really only four golden rules of using social media.

  • Keep it Interesting
  • Keep it Relevant
  • Keep it timely
  • Lastly and most importantly, think twice before you click post. Once you have posted, it gets encapsulated in the marketing Bermuda triangle which is the internet.

Follow these four points and social media can really pack a punch in your Telemarketing campaign.

Taking the ‘cold’ out of cold calling

Using social media, you are going to want to connect with prospects as well as existing customers. You will be able to build relationships and nurture these prospects like you would a potential lead. By utilising the power of social media, you can establish trust and credibility with your contacts and become an industry leader in their eyes.

Once you have warmed up your leads using social media, it’s then time for telemarketers to do their thing. You have established that the prospect has a need; they are interested in your brand as they have interacted with you on social media and you can also establish the right person to talk to within the organisation. Not only will the telemarketer be more confident as they have a story to tell, they have also found a common ground to initiate the conversation. Also, the prospect won’t be blindsided by their call as your brand will already be familiar to them. You are more likely to get a positive response from a prospect who already knows you and understands what your brand is about.

It’s all about the research

As the world’s largest professional network, LinkedIn is a fantastic tool to both research and get in touch with your contacts. Using tools such as Sales Navigator, you can customise your feed to keep you updated on news, updates and published posts, even if they are not in your immediate network. This again gives telemarketers a starting point and gives them credibility when making that call.

The key to using social media is that it is merely one piece of the marketing jigsaw. It works best when it is used alongside internal resources and as one of many multiple engagement channels.